Sunday, November 29, 2009

Herr Drucker

The Economist had a nice write up in Schumpeter on Rembembering Drucker. Peter Drucker is my management hero and I have absorbed most of his writings. The article makes the point that Drucker hit the sweet spot between managment of the organization (people) and management of the organization through metrics (accountability). People allow the organization to have success - you can't grow without the right people. Metrics keep us accountable to each other. The right people, with the right metrics ALWAYS leads to success.

We have left Peter Drucker for people stealing cheese, getting on the right bus, blinking and all of that popcorn management. Drucker was involved in the beginning of management theory and as the Economist points out, management is not a progressive science. The trade offs of management and the human condition have not changed for thousands of years. Know what your people do and genuinely care about them as human beings. As the Hawthorne effect shows - do this and the lights come on.

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